Where Breakthrough meets Strategy

Lakeisha Dixon is a Certified Master Coach who partners with CEOs, executives, and solopreneurs to grow their personal and professional brands. She has earned a distinguishable reputation as “The Breakthrough Strategist.”
After spending nearly a decade working in call centers with low earning wages, Lakeisha knew there was something more for her to do and thus began the journey of rediscovering her purpose. In so doing she found that her purpose was rooted in helping both men, women & teens find their own. From there, the Breakthrough strategist was born.

Poured Over...
When I reached out to Lakeisha in 2017 I had Buried pain, guilt, and a lost identity. I had not accepted my Pain and guilt and my role in both but the mask I was wearing, wore me down and I was looking for someone to help me come into who I was pre pain and guilt. As I stated, my past was not spotless nevertheless, Lakeisha graciously accepted me as her client. What I got was more than a coach; I got a God-centered connection that allowed God to pour through Lakeisha and into my dead areas.
It is OK to have a coach and God!!!
She spoke life into my soil every time we connected. At every meeting she was speaking to the wounded places, she was pulling me out of my Dark Places, and she prayed over the call which was never emotion lead. she was equipping me with the tools that I needed to let go of the pain to accept my role and move forward in humility and grace into my destiny.
Humility is not popular however it is necessary for your seeds to manifest in their due season. The woman I am today is better than the person I was pre-pain.
When I relocated back to my home state, I had trouble locating a job Which was crazy because my career is in one of the most demanding fields. LaKeisha informed me about Instacart to help make ends meet while I worked at another job that paid 8.25 an hr. I was ready to give up and start a new career when I received a breakthrough.
June 10th will make 3 years I have been employed back in my field and now making over $60000 annually... Within the last 3 years, I have received over $17000 dollars in raises and one promotion. And that's not all yall!
It's My breakthrough season!!
Why did I need to share the last part you may be questioning, it's because of the hard days when I didn't reach out to Lakeisha God placed me in her heart and here she comes, a text message of encouraging words, or voice message reminding me God remembers me and I can't forget the prophetic voice message that I received at the beginning of this year of my breakthrough over and over throughout 2022.
Our wells are overflowing, and I would tell myself in 2017 to choose The breakthrough strategist all over again!
A Revelation Coach
In the year 2018, I learned what it means to get up and go again, through breakthrough strategies Lakeisha Dixon as she was doing humanitarian work on the beautiful Caribbean Island St. Kitts and Nevis Coach Lakeisha, gave me keys to a vehicle, and I never even knew I had...that vehicle is my ability to motivate and lead people.
Coach Lakeisha, look at me and said this place is too small for you, she then told me how she had seen great leadership qualities in me...to be honest I was thinking what is she talking about being dyslexic. However, after coach Lakeisha was done with me, she made me feel that I can do everything and anything...just by these words, use what is in your head. The following year I became a certified coach, and since then have been motivating, coaching, and leading people all around the world, and have traveled not just in the Caribbean but to the UK, Zimbabwe Africa, and now in the United States.
I can say so much more because this is a summarized version of my experience with coach Lakeisha, but what I love the most about coach Lakeisha is that she just doesn't coach you from a place of information but revelation...and she is not afraid to share her own experience whether it was good or bad.
-Coach Lucien York